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Southern Nevada Junior Golf Clinics to Welcome Young Players

January 26, 2021 admin Comments Off

Get out and golf has been a theme during the Covid-19 pandemic as thousands have taken up the game. Now, the Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association has announced the official “Get Out and Golf” series of free Southern Nevada junior golf clinics to help young golfers learn more about the grand ole game. Junior golfers must be pre-registered to attend or there is a $10 fee. Register below.

The clinics will be run by Master PGA of America professional and Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame member Mike Davis along with SNJGA staff. It’s an opportunity to share some secrets of the game with interested young players while building the future of Las Vegas junior golf.

“Our goal is to make it very easy for a child to get into golf and on the course,” says Davis. “The clinic is a preview with some hands-on experience for the basics of putting, pitching and full swing. So, the clinics will be a draw to get kids into long term programs that create true, young golfers. My personal goals are to help fill rosters on Junior League teams and sell Youth on Course for the SNJGA.”

Clinic Dates and Times – click on links below to sign up

February 20 at Legacy GC – 9:30 AM – Noon

February 27 at Las Vegas National – 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM

March 6 at Eagle Crest – 2:00PM – 4:30 PM

Each clinic is separate and golfers may attend all three.

*Clinics are free but there will be a $10 fee for non-registered golfers.

According to Renee Rocco, SNJGA operations operations manager, “Get Out and Golf is a way for kids to learn the basics of the game in a fun and engaging way. Juniors will learn full swing, putting, chipping, pitching and fitness and body movement – all of which are key aspects to becoming a great golfer. The best way to learn is to get out and do it, hence the name ‘Get Out and Golf!’ These clinics are for kids of all ages, skills and abilities, and will be taught by local PGA Professionals. A goal of the SNJGA is to put clubs in kids’ hands and that is exactly our goal with these clinics. Kids will receive two and a half hours of instruction, lunch and a gift to take home. Clinics are free for all participants as long as you register in advance.”

Additional SNJGA programs following the clinic include:

  • PGA Junior League Teams and programs — basically Little League for golf.
  • Junior Tournament programs such as the SNJGA Tour.
  • Discount programs for playing golf such as Youth on Course (golf for as low as $5 per round).
Southern Nevada Junior Golf Clinics to Welcome Young Players -