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Juniors Qualify for Notah Begay Regionals -

Juniors Qualify for Notah Begay Regionals

July 19, 2024 Brian Hurlburt Comments Off

The Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association hosted a Notah Begay National Championship Local Qualifier July 1-2 at the Las Vegas Paiute Golf Resort.

Full scores here

The Notah Begay National Championship is one of the top junior events in the country. The finals will be played Nov. 3-5 (Girls) and Nov. 8-10 (Boys) at Koasati Pines at Coushatta in Kinder, LA.

Golfers moving on to the Regionals were:

Boys 16-18

Bridger Johnson, Gabriel Navarro II, Brendan Barbeau, Kris Huang, Jackston Johnson

Boys 14-15

Nicholas Horodesky, Jiho Park, Grady Grant

Boys 12-13

Aiden Lim, Joshua Pyo, Philip Herrera, Elaten Ree

Girls 16-18

Rivers Common, Macy Garth, Ava Patag

Girls 14-15

Taelor Williams

Girls 12-13

Ellie Prosser

Girls 10-11

Terra Jung

Juniors Qualify for Notah Begay Regionals -