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Multiple 2023 Tour Events to Feature Coveted AJGA Stars -

Multiple 2023 Tour Events to Feature Coveted AJGA Stars

April 26, 2023 Brian Hurlburt Comments Off

In the world of junior golf, there may be no more coveted possession than American Junior Golf Association Star rankings. The SNJGA Tour schedule features several events in 2023 where winners and top finishers can earn these stars.

The Full 2023 SNJGA schedule is here

These stars help secure spots in national AJGA events where coaches flock to find the next star recruit. To determine the events that offer the AJGA stars, visit the official SNJGA registration page where the information will be located.

“This has been a goal for the SNJGA for a couple years and we are making a lot of progress and should have six or seven tournaments when you include the Nevada State Junior Amateur that will allow our locals to earn AJGA stars,” says Joe Sawaia, who oversees tournament operations. “The AJGA qualification system is based on Performance Based Entry and the stars earned will allow players to qualify for the events without going through an actual tournament qualifier just prior to the tournament.”

Sawaia is very familiar with the system because his two sons now play at UNLV and he helped them navigate the AJGA and junior golf on the way to playing collegiately. Sawaia has also won double digit state titles as head coach of the men’s and women’s program at Coronado High. Sawaia is working closely with executive director Renee Rocco and the board of directors to enhance the SNJGA schedule and make it more enticing for top local talent to play in home tournaments rather than traveling to play.

“We want the word out to all of our juniors that we are committed to creating stronger fields and we are doing that,” Sawaia says. “It is important for our locals to have this opportunity to play at home and when the more do, the stronger the fields and the more stars that are available.”

Sawaia says the recent event at Mountain Falls that also served as a qualifier for the IMG Junior World is evidence that the plan is working. Many of the top players teed it up and he expects more of the same throughout the 2023 schedule.

The event had the following stars given to finishers.

Boys 13-18:

Champion – 2 Performance Stars; Top 5 – 1 Performance Star

Girls 13-18:

Champion – 2 Performance Stars; Top 3 – 1 Performance Star

Multiple 2023 Tour Events to Feature Coveted AJGA Stars -