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Middle School Golf Season Concludes with Team, Individual Champs -

Middle School Golf Season Concludes with Team, Individual Champs

May 15, 2023 Brian Hurlburt Comments Off

The growing Southern Nevada Middle School golf league concluded recently with Alexander Dawson earning the team title and multiple young players winning individual titles. Many SNJGA members participate each season.

Individual Placings

7/8 Grade Boys 1st- Scott Boshee, Las Vegas Day School

7/8 Grade Boys 2nd- Benny Nelson, Alexander Dawson

7/8 Grade Boys 3rd- Jackson Turner, Faith Lutheran

7/8 Grade Girls 1st- Sophia Medlin, Bob Miller Middle School

7/8 Grade Girls 2nd- Milan Norton, Faith Lutheran

7/8 Grade Girls 3rd- Pavi Mardirossian, Faith Lutheran

5/6 Grade Boys 1st- Vaughn Griffith, Alexander Dawson

5/6 Grade Boys 2nd- Hudson Warner, Alexander Dawson

5/6 Grade Boys 3rd- Preston Mattox, Del Webb Middle School

5/6 Grade Girls 1st- Abby Lytle, Faith Lutheran

5/6 Grade Girls 2nd- Eva Aretos, Faith Lutheran

5/6 Grade Girls 3rd- Gemma Kim, Las Vegas Day School

“This season and past seasons provide such an awesome opportunity for the young kids to get experience in the team aspects of Golf,” said Cy Frederick, director. “Also, a huge thank you to all the hosting courses for offering up your tee sheets to the kids for this great experience.  Thank you to Palm Valley Golf Course, Eagle Crest Golf Course, Concord Revere Golf Course, Wildhorse Golf Course, TPC Summerlin, Boulder City Municipal, Desert Willow Golf Course, Red Rock Country Club and Mountain Falls Golf Course.”

The middle school program is open to 5th through 8th graders across the valley. Member schools include Faith Lutheran, Bob Miller Middle School, Del Webb Middle School, Southern Highlands Prep., Alexander Dawson, Las Vegas Day School, The Meadows School, Tarkanian Middle School, Pinecrest Academy, Cornerstone Academy, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and Rosemary Clarke Middle School.  

Middle School Golf Season Concludes with Team, Individual Champs -