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Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association Hosts Ward 5 Youth Golf Experience -

Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association Hosts Ward 5 Youth Golf Experience

June 19, 2023 Brian Hurlburt Comments Off

It was a special day recently at the historic Las Vegas Golf Club for the City of Las Vegas Ward 5 Youth Golf Experience. The event was created by Councilman Cedric Crear and other groups involved were UNLV Professional Golf Management and the Southern Nevada Golf Association.

About 40 deserving youngsters were introduced to the sport and Crear is committed to continuing ways to get kids in his ward involved in activities that can make a positive difference in their lives.

“As the councilman for Ward five, someone who was born and raised right here in this community, I literally live right down the street. I have been passing this golf course my entire life, and I said to myself, ‘how do we get our kids from our community exposed to a sport that many don’t have an opportunity to play?” Crear said. “We have a golf course right here in Ward five, so why don’t we try to utilize it? I am always trying to find ways to expose our youth to something outside of just normal sports. We do a tennis program, I played tennis in college. To see our kids exposed to something new and to give them access to something that they may not have an opportunity to be a part of, golf can be very expensive. It can be very prohibitive. And so we’re breaking down those barriers and getting kids an opportunity to play the game of golf.”

Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association Hosts Ward 5 Youth Golf Experience -