
8010 West Sahara Ave, Suite 260 Las Vegas (702) 430-2600

SNJGA Best Practices Tournament Covid-19 Protocols

SNJGA Best Practices Tournament Covid-19 Protocols

May 15, 2020 admin Comments Off

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⭐ Registration & Arrival

All players will be reminded that if they are feeling sick or show any symptoms that they must stay home for the good of everyone playing in the event.

All players will keep their own scorecard and markers will verify verbally at the scoring table as opposed to signing the scorecard. We will be encouraging the use of mobile scoring.

Players will be told not to show up to the golf course any more than 1 hour prior to their tee time to help alleviate any big crowds on the driving range and putting greens. If the golf course has their own policy in place regarding how early a player can show up, we will follow their policy for that event.

We will not have documents available at the first tee. Any documents such as SNJGA hard card, Notice to Players, etc. will be sent electronically prior to the competition.

We will be encouraging parents/kids to come prepared for the round with enough water for the entire round.


⭐ On Course Info

The Flagstick will not be allowed to be removed from the hole for any reason.

We ask that only 1 parent/guardian accompany the player to the course. We will not be allowing spectator carts for the time being due to the limited amount of carts available at courses.

How each golf course decides to handle their cups (PVC pipes, inverted cups in the ground, foam noodles, etc.) will determine any possible local rule for a tournament. We will not conduct any tournaments at a golf course that has raised their cups above the ground which will not allow a ball to be holed.

All players should avoid contact with other players. Handshakes should be avoided both on the first tee and on the 18th green after the round has been completed.

The SNJGA hard card will have an addendum to it to inform players of how to play their ball in a bunker until rakes are permitted back on the courses.


⭐ Scoring & Awards

We will ask the players and their markers to verify scores prior to getting to the scorer’s table. This will help us ensure no one is congregating around the scoring table for a long period of time.

Awards will be mailed to out to winners or can be picked up at a future tournament.

Players will be asked not to stay at the golf course for any longer than 15 minutes after their round has been completed.

No paper or electronic leaderboards will be posted at the course. Players will be able to view the leaderboard online.

On course players will be suspended moving forward. Scorecard tiebreaking will be used until social distancing practices are eased enough to allow larger gatherings of people.

info@snjga.org • 702-430-2600[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

SNJGA Best Practices Tournament Covid-19 Protocols -