A new process is being put in place for Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association members to qualify and represent Southern Nevada on travel teams. Southern Nevada’s Elite Golf Travel Team has been announced and members have until July 31, 2022 to apply for inclusion.
If you or your child has not submitted the application and agreement, please click now for access. Complete the application and email to SNJGA executive director Renee Rocco at rrocco@snjga.org.
According to John Hawk, SNJGA president, the new process will benefit the organization and members who earn spots on the team. The former process was just points based but the new process will allow the golfers to compete and qualify against each other to sharpen their skills and bonds.
“This will allow our teams and our players to be more competitive internally and build a closer bond with each other as we move throughout the year and head into the travel season next year,” Hawk said. “In the past, kids would head to the course and compete against each other in a tournament and then, all of a sudden, we send them to the travel team events and they are expected to play together cohesively. The new process will also allow them to be coached and a team atmosphere will be created. We want to get golfers physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to represent who we are at the SNJGA and also help the golfers perform at their best because these events are high profile and college coaches are watching results.”
Southern Nevada’s Elite Travel Golf Team
Team Size and Selection Process
Over this June and July, the SNJGA Director put out an open call out to all SNJGA members to
sign up for the SNJGA Elite Travel Team. Golfers ages 13‐17 and still in high school, will return this
document to SNJGA by July 31st. The SNJGA Director and/or Coach will select an initial team of 10 boys
and 6 girls based a minimum review of handicap, Junior rankings, and tournament resume (previous 24
months). There may be opportunities for the team to accept more golfers. Individuals that were not
selected as part of the original team may petition the SNJGA tournament committee to participate.
The first team meeting is being planned and will follow the final deadline and selection of the team.
Be sure to click the above link above in the article for the application and more information.
New Southern Nevada Elite Team to Unite Travel Tournament Golfers
A new process is being put in place for Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association members to qualify and represent Southern Nevada on travel teams. Southern Nevada’s Elite Golf Travel Team has been announced and members have until July 31, 2022 to apply for inclusion.
If you or your child has not submitted the application and agreement, please click now for access. Complete the application and email to SNJGA executive director Renee Rocco at rrocco@snjga.org.
According to John Hawk, SNJGA president, the new process will benefit the organization and members who earn spots on the team. The former process was just points based but the new process will allow the golfers to compete and qualify against each other to sharpen their skills and bonds.
“This will allow our teams and our players to be more competitive internally and build a closer bond with each other as we move throughout the year and head into the travel season next year,” Hawk said. “In the past, kids would head to the course and compete against each other in a tournament and then, all of a sudden, we send them to the travel team events and they are expected to play together cohesively. The new process will also allow them to be coached and a team atmosphere will be created. We want to get golfers physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to represent who we are at the SNJGA and also help the golfers perform at their best because these events are high profile and college coaches are watching results.”
Southern Nevada’s Elite Travel Golf Team
Team Size and Selection Process
Over this June and July, the SNJGA Director put out an open call out to all SNJGA members to
sign up for the SNJGA Elite Travel Team. Golfers ages 13‐17 and still in high school, will return this
document to SNJGA by July 31st. The SNJGA Director and/or Coach will select an initial team of 10 boys
and 6 girls based a minimum review of handicap, Junior rankings, and tournament resume (previous 24
months). There may be opportunities for the team to accept more golfers. Individuals that were not
selected as part of the original team may petition the SNJGA tournament committee to participate.
The first team meeting is being planned and will follow the final deadline and selection of the team.
Be sure to click the above link above in the article for the application and more information.
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