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Harvey Goes Back to Back, Red Rock Earns Team State 4A Title -

Harvey Goes Back to Back, Red Rock Earns Team State 4A Title

May 16, 2024 Brian Hurlburt Comments Off

Members of the Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association showed out and showed up at the 2023 Nevada State Boys 4A Golf Championships at Primm Valley Golf Club Lakes course. Winning the individual title for the second time in a row was Drake Harvey while Doral Red Rock earned the team title.

The Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association, in its commitment to helping grow and improve high school golf, organized the championships in conjunction with the NIAA.

The team of Doral Red Rock was made up of Luke Cheplak, Michael Edwards, Bradley Bourn and Brett Mayhew.

“It feels amazing because we’ve all worked so hard throughout the season and to finally get rewarded and win both the region and the state is definitely something amazing,” Edwards said.

Team Scoring

  Rd 1 Rd 2 Total
1Doral Red Rock320314634
2Green Valley347330677
3Sierra Vista340351691

Individual Scoring

Drake HarveySky Pointe7165136
Michael EdwardsDoral Red Rock7071141
Matthew UtterCentennial7768145
Luke CheplakDoral Red Rock7374147
Bradley BournDoral Red Rock7477151
Forrest DavisSierra Vista7380153
Maddox PerrySilverado8174155
Alex LacClark8079159
Jackson ValentineGreen Valley8776163
Kaeden HabigLegacy8283165
Kyle CunninghamCentennial8383166
Dax ArnoldGreen Valley8585170
K.J. BentzBasic8686172
Quade RobbinsBasic9280172
Gavin MoungerGreen Valley8490174
Magnus SiegelGreen Valley9184175
Colin MooreSierra Vista9284176
Jaden PfannesSierra Vista8196177
Lucas MarlierSilverado8592177
Jack ThowGreen Valley9285177
Mateo LairSierra Vista9491185
Cody BrooksLegacy9691187
Dylan CleveSky Pointe9496190
Charlie CatledgeCentennial9893191
Matt MillerCentennial10688194
Brett MayhewDoral Red Rock10392195
Cole DavisCentennial106101207
Cole HardyCentennial118102220
Harvey Goes Back to Back, Red Rock Earns Team State 4A Title -