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Boulder City, Hinds Sweep 2024 3A Region Golf -

Boulder City, Hinds Sweep 2024 3A Region Golf

October 15, 2024 Brian Hurlburt Comments Off

It was a Boulder City sweep at the 2024 3A southern region golf championship at Boulder City Golf Course Oct. 9-10, 2024.

As a team, the Eagles won by 49 shots over Virgin Valley. Boulder City sophomore Emmerson Hinds won the individual title for the second time. Hinds is a star on the local and national levels, and is the defending 3A state champ as well. Abigail Llewellyn from Virgin Valley High was the runner up.

“I really persevered through the tournament,” Hinds said. “There was a lot of wind, a lot of tough weather, a lot of tough shots. So just staying within myself and taking what the course gives me was really the key to my win. This week feels really good to win. This is my team and is my home course, so it feels really good to win at home and bring it home for Boulder City High School and to win as a team.”

The Boulder City team was Hinds, Makenzie Martorano, Riley Elder and Morgen Terrill.

The event was organized by the Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association in conjunction with the NIAA.

Emmerson Hinds

Check out the full results at this 3A Region Scoring Link

Boulder City, Hinds Sweep 2024 3A Region Golf -